Lacrimal gland swellings
Swelling(s) of the lacrimal gland usually presents as mass(es) in the upper lateral margin. A common cause of
bilateral lacrimal swellings is sarcoidosis, the patient is usually of African or Afro-Carribean origin.There are bilateral swellings of the lateral orbital margin. Palpation reveals firm masses which are not mobile.
Look for signs of sarcoidosis:
- skin nodules on the lids (from sarcoid infilatration) or purple-red infiltration of the nose (lupus pernio)
- examine the anterior segment for dry eyes and anterior uveitis
- if the pupil were dilated, look for any signs of vasculitis which is typically described 'candle-wax'
- palpate the parotid glands for enlargement and examine the mouth for dry mouth (Mikulicz's syndrome)
1. What is Mikulicz's syndrome?