Deadly nightshade (Atropena belladonna) is the natural source
of the alkaloid atropine. The term atropena is derived from 
Atropos because of  its high toxicity. Atropos is the Greek 
goddess of Fate and is responsible for the final part of a mortal 
life, the unturning inevitability of death. Atropine was a popular
choice of poison amongst professional poisoners during the 
Middle Ages because of the slowness of their effects which
allowed the perpetrator to escape before suspicions were 
aroused. According to the Scottish legend, the soldiers of 
Macbeth slipped atropine into the drinks of the invading Danes
then slaughter them in their slumber. In Roman time, ladies 
in the Court used the juice from the berry to dilate their pupils 
to make them look more sensual and attractive and hence the 
name belladonna (beautiful lady). Atropena belladonna can 
be translated as femme fatale. 
In ophthalmology, it is used in cycloplegic refraction, post-
operative dilatation as following trabeculectomy and in the
treatment of anterior uveitis to prevent posterior synechiae.
Atropine also dumbs nerve endings and lessen pain when 
applied locally.