Past Essay Questions with Model Answers 

(The answers are not meant to be perfect but include all the relevant information which the 
  writers believe  will gain a pass. The information are taken mainly from :

  • Duane's Ophthalmology Textbook
  • Adler's Eye Physiology
  • American Academy Series of Ophthalmology.
   If you like to contribute please e-mail the answers to

The time allowed for this examination is 3 hours. From October, 1998, this section is changed to short answer paper. Time allowed remains the same.
1989 1990 1991 1992
1993 1994 1995 1996
1997 1998 1999 2000
Return to the Success in Part I MRCOphth
May 1989

1. Draw a labelled diagram of a transverse section of the human cornea and 
    limbus. Make notes on the function of each of the structural layers you 
    have labelled.

2. Describe the human electro-retinogram and discuss the analysis of its 

3. Write notes on the embryological development of:

a. the lens
b. the hyaloid artery
c. the optic nerve

4. Describe the functions of:

a. muscle spindles
b. otoliths
c. motor end-plates
d. arachnoid villi

November 1989

1. Write short notes on:

a. the lacrimal gland
b. the blood aqueous barrier
c. basal cell carcinoma
2. Draw a cross section of the upper eyelid. Label all important structures and 
    write notes on each.

3. What is known of the function of the retinal pigment epithelial cells?

4. Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of:

a. Bowman's membrane
b. Descemet's membrane
c. Bruch's membrane
d. internal limiting membrane of the retina
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March 1990

1. Write short notes on:

a. staphylococcus epidermidis (albus)
b. the anterior ethmoidal artery
c. thyroid stimulating hormone
2. Describe the retinal ganglion cells. Include details on their location, 
    distribution and relationships

3. What are the factors that govern the penetration of drugs into the eye?

4. Describe the ventricular system of the brain.

Oct, 1990

1. Describe the prenatal development of the human lens and vitreous. Use 
    diagrams where possible

2. What do you understand by hyperplasia, metaplasia and neoplasia?
    Give examples of each.

3. Write short notes on:

a. X-linked inheritance
b. dilator pupillae muscle
c. mast cells

4. Describe the mode of action of :

a. acyclovir
b. cimetidine
c. botulinum A exotoxin
d. dexamethasone
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February 1991

1. Describe the anatomy of the optic nerve, including its relations and blood

2. Describe the histology of:

a. neurofibroma
b. retinoblastoma
c. atheroma
d. basal cell carcinoma

3. Describe the anatomy and function of the barriers which control water
    movement in the anterior half of the eye

4. Write short notes on:

a. mitochondria
b. T lymphocytes
c. cyclosporin
d. melanocytes

May 1991

1. Write short notes on:

a. pilocarpine
b. mitochondrial inheritance
c. plasma proteins
e. astrocytes

2. Describe the histology of:

a. malignant melanoma of the skin
b. molluscum contagiosum
c. chalazion
d. squamous cell carcinoma
3. Describe the anatomical and physiological factors that contribute to the 
    transparency of the cornea.

4. Describe the form and function of the retinal rods and cones.

September 1991

1. Describe the anatomy of the lacrimal passage, include a note on their 

2. Discuss the mechanisms underlying the perception of colour

3. Describe the histology of:

a. squamous cell carcinoma
b. hypertensive vasculopathy
c. diabetic vasculopathy
d. malignant melanoma of skin

4. Write short notes on:

a. intercellular junction
b. azathioprine
c. coloboma
d. herpes simplex
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February 1992

1. Give an account of the blood supply of the afferent visual pathways

2. Describe the absorption fo ultra-violet, visible and infra-red light by the eye 
    and discuss their potential harmful effects

3. Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of:

a. extraocular muscles
b. optic nerve head
c. choroidal vasculature

4. Write short notes on:

a. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
b. epithelial corneal healing
c. phakomatoses
d. autosomal dominant inheritance
April 1992

1. Discuss the mechanisms by which the external eye is protected from 

2. Discuss the mechanisms of aqueous secretion and their modification by 

3. Discuss the histology of:

a. amyloid
b. epithelial tumours of the lacrimal gland
c. the iris
4. Write short notes on:
a. beta blocker drugs
b. autosomal recessive inheritance
c. pathological effects of ionising radiation
d. Candida albicans

October 1992

1. Describe in detail the mechanisms that control the position of the upper lid

2. Describe the sensory input into the control mechanisms for eye movement

3. Using appropriate examples, discuss the causes and effects of ischaemia

4. Write short notes on:

a. control of blood glucose
b. toxocariasis
c. macrophages
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February 1993

1. Give an account of the origin, course relations and function of the VIth 
    cranial nerve

2. Describe the mechanism by which the flow of blood through a tissue is 

3. Write short notes on:

a. the mechanisms of antibiotic drug resistance
b. oncogenic viruses
c. vitamin D
4. Discuss the mechanisms by which neoplastic ells are disseminated and 
    give examples.

April 1993

1. Give an account of the structure and function of the primary visual cortex 
    and its neuronal connections 

2. Write short notes on:

a. the control of thyroid hormone secretion
b. transport of oxygen in blood
c. calcium homeostasis
3. Discuss the causes and effects ulceration in tissues 

4. Write short notes on:

a. oncogenes
b. parasympathomimetic drugs
c. pharmacology of neuromuscular junction

October 1993

1. Compare and contrast the anatomical and functional characteristics of the 
    magnocellular and parvocellular visual pathways.

2. What is a cell-mediated immune reaction? How may this be modified?

3. Discuss the anatomy of the cerebellum including its blood supply and 
    neuronal connections

4. Write short notes on:

a. G-proteins
b. sterol receptors
c. carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
d. cyclo-oxygenase
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February 1994

1. Describe the supranuclear control of ocular movements

2. Describe the electrophysiological investigation of the visual pathway

3. Write short notes on:

a. ganglion cells in the retina
b. cellulitis
c. bacterial resistance to antibiotics
d. retroviruses
4. Describe the control of pupillary responses and its modification by drugs.

April 1994

1. Describe the parasympathetic nerve supply to the eye and orbital tissue

2. Compare and contrast the physiological mechanisms underlying photopic and 
    scotopic vision.

3. Describe the physiological and pharmacological mechanisms involved in the 
    transfer of water through tissue.

4. Discuss the genetic mechanisms involved in neoplasia.

October 1994

1. Describe the main anatomical features of the mid-brain using diagrams. Discuss the 
    features involved in the control of eye movements

2. Describe the physiological effect of visible light on the retina.

3. What are the factors that govern the movement of pharmacological agents within 
    the ocular compartments.

4. Describe the histology of a granulomatous reaction and the immunological 
    mechanisms that may be involved.

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February 1995


a. Describe, with diagrams, the anatomical relations of the pituitary 
b. Discuss the physiology of the pituitary gland
2. Discuss the physiological relationships between photoreceptors and the retinal 
    pigment epithelium

3. Write short notes on:

a. beta blockers
b. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents
c. the pharmacology of the neuromuscular joints
4. Discuss the mechanisms by which tumour cells spread within body tissues.

April 1995

1. Describe the anatomical features (including the histology and the relations) of the 
    extraocular muscles

2. Describe the physiological mechanisms involved in permitting the transmission of 
    light to the retina in a normal eye

3. Describe:

a. the mechanisms of action of antiviral drugs
b. the histological characteristics which differentiate benign and 
     malignant neoplasms

4. Discuss the precautions required to prevent surgical infection s including details of 
    sterilization procedures.

October 1995

1. Describe the structure and function of the ciliary body

2. Describe the structures and relationships of different retinal ganglion types 
    including their connection to higher visual pathways.

3. Write notes on:

a. mitochondrial inheritance
b. recognition of antigen by T lymphocytes
c. resistance to antibiotics

4. With reference to the eyelid, describe those malignant tumours which are derived 
    from cells located within the epidermis.

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February 1996

1. With regard to the lens. describe:

a. the anatomy including embryological, gross and microscopic features
b. the biochemistry

2. Describe the physiological and biochemical processes in the rod photoreceptor 
    response to light absorption

3. Write short notes on:

a. local anaesthetic agents
b. mast cell stabilizers
c. enzymes involved in  rug metabolism

4. Describe the causes and effects of occlusive disease occurring in muscular arteries 
    and arterioles including, gross and microscopic pathology.

April 1996

1. Draw a cross section of the drainage angle of the anterior chamber. Label all 
    important structures and write notes on each.

2. Discuss the cortical contributions to visual functions

3. Write short notes on:

a. herpes virus
b. bacterial virulence
c. protozoal infection of the eye.

4. Describe the structure and functions of immunoglobulins and the cells involved in 
    their production

October 1996

1. Describe the structure and anatomical relations of the optic chiasm

2. Discuss the role of active transport mechanisms in ocular tissues

3. Describe the events occurring in viral infection in tissues. How may these 
    processes be modified by therapy?

4. Contrast the immune mechanisms involved in acute allergic (Type I) and cell 
    mediated  (Type IV) hypersensitivity reactions.

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February 1997

1. Discuss the rod and cone photoreceptor contributions to the electrophysiological 
    response to light

2. Discuss the structure and function so the choroidal vasculature

3. Discuss the mechanisms by which bacteria destroy tissue.

4. Write short notes on:

a. X-linked inheritance
b. the mechanism of action of aspirin
c. the aqueous outflow pathway.
April 1997


a. Describe the embryology and anatomy of the iris
b. How may the pupil diameter be influenced physiologically and 

2. Using diagrams, describe the anatomy of the visual pathways. Show the patterns of 
    visual field loss relating to lesions at different sites.

3. Write short notes on:

a. Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
b. polymerize chain reaction
c. basal cell carcinoma

4. Describe the mechanisms by which body tissue respond to invasion by 
    microbiological pathogens.

October 1997

1. Describe the anatomy of the optic nerve head

2. Discuss dark adaptation, commenting on how it is measured and its physiological 

3. Write short notes on:

a. botulinum toxin
b. suxamethonium
c. edrophonium chloride
d. pilocarpine

4. Write short notes on:

a. the plasma cell
b. pathogenic fungi
c. tumours caused by proliferating melanocytes
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February 1998

1. Write short notes on the embryological development of:

a. the uveal tract
b. the retina
c. the lens

2. Discuss the mechanisms involved in wound healing

3. Write short notes on:

a. vitamin A
b. the structure of rod photoreceptors
c. genetic linkage analysis

4. Discuss the theories of colour vision.

April 1988

1. Describe. with the use of diagrams, the neurological pathways and structures 
    involved in the pupillary light reflexes

2. Write short notes on:

a. mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antibiotics
b. chlormaphenicol
c. the side effects of corticosteroids

3. Discuss the pathogenesis of venous thrombosis and its sequelae

4. Write short notes on:

a. the blink reflex
b. accommodation
c. critical fusion frequency
October 1998

1. What is a retrovirus? Illustrate your answer with one important example.

2. Write short notes on the differences between Type I and Type III hypersensitivity 

3. Write short notes on the mechanism of action of aciclovir

4. What is a granuloma? Give an example of granulomatous inflammation

5. Write short notes on the major photochemical events involved in 

6. Write short notes on glucose metabolism in the lens

7. What are the most important factors which limit visual acuity and how does this 
    vary with retinal eccentricity.

8. Draw a diagram illustrating the histological structure of the retina passing through 
    the fovea

9. Write short notes on the bony structure of the orbit

10. Write short notes on the mechanism of action of local anaesthetic agents.

11. Draw a pedigree illustrating autosomal dominant inheritance and X-linked 

12. Write short notes on environmental factors associated with neoplasia.

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January 1999

1. Write short notes on the differences between the structure of viruses, bacteria and 

2. Write short notes on the principles of sterilization

3. What histological features influence the prognosis of a tumour? Use an example 
    from the eye to illustrate your answer.

4. Draw the structure of an immunoglobulin molecule. List three function of these 

5. Write short notes on the organization and connections of the lateral geniculate 

6. Write short notes on autoregulation and blood flow

7. List the action so the extraocular muscles, and list the differences between the 
    extraocular muscles an other skeletal muscles.

8. Draw a diagram of the drainage angle and write short notes on the anatomy of the 

9. Write short notes on the polymerase chain reaction.

10. Write short notes on the pharmacology of cycloplegic drugs

11. Write short notes on the side effects of aminoglycosides

12. Define:

a. standard deviation
b. standard error of the mean
c. a 95% confidence interval
April 1999

1. What precautions would be undertaken to prevent the spread of Methicillin 
    Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus infection from patient to patient on an 
    ophthalmic ward.

2. Describe how antigen is presented to T lymphocytes

3. Write short notes on the changes that occur on the vascular endothelial surface in 
    an acute inflammatory reaction

4. List the major roles of complement

5. Compare and contrast the pathological features and behaviour of basal cell and 
    squamous cell carcinoma of the skin

6. Write short notes on the magnocellular and parvocellular pathways relating to 
    visual function

7. Compare scotopic and photopic vision. Specify the differences between rod and 
    cone function.

8. Write short notes on the anatomy of the third nerve nucleus.

9. Describe the structure and function of the conjunctiva.

10. Write short notes on the side effects of beta blockers

11. Write short notes on the mode of action of drugs that lower blood glucose.

12. What is a chromosomal translocation? Illustrate your answer with one example 
      which is associated with ocular disease.

October, 1999

1. Write short notes on the arterial supply of the anterior segment of the eye

2. Describe the structure and function of mitochondria

3. Draw a diagram of the lacrimal drainage system and describe its relations

4. Draw a dark adaptation curve and identify the component parts and their 

5. Write short notes on the principles of intraocular pressure measurement.

6. Draw a diagram of the normal retinal capillary. How is the structure altered in 

7. Write short notes on the factors determining penetration of drugs applied to the eye

8. Write short notes on carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

9. Write short notes on viral replication

10. List the important structural differences between gram negative and gram positive 
     organisms. How do these structural differences influence susceptibility to 

11. Write short notes on histocompatability antigens and list 3 examples of disease 

12. Write short notes on genetic linkage analysis. Give an example.

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January, 2000

1. Define:

a. normal distribution
b. null hypothesis
c. arithmetic mean

2. Write short notes on the mode of action of drugs that lower blood pressure

3. Write short notes on cytochrome P-450. List three (3) drugs that act as enzyme 

4. Write short notes on angiogenesis, with particular reference to the eye.

5. Write short notes on the mechanism of allograft rejection

6. Write short notes on the mechanisms used by antibodies to eliminate microbial 

7. Discuss the microbiology of pseudomonas aeruginosa

8. Describe the anatomy of the lacrimal gland

9. Draw a diagram illustrating the medial longitudinal fasciculus and its connection

10. Write short notes on retinal neurotransmitters

11. Write short notes on aqueous production

12. Write short notes on cell junctions

April, 2000

1. What is a tumour suppresser gene? Illustrate your answer with examples.

2. Write short notes on the mode of action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. List, with examples, pharmacological ways of lowering intraocular pressure

4. Write short notes on mucosa associated lymphoid tissue

5. Write short notes on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis

6. Define disinfection and sterilization. List effective current methods.

7. Write short notes on bone marrow stem cells.

8. Describe the chief mechanisms by which bacteria acquire antibiotic resistance.

9. Draw a diagram illustrating a cross-section of the upper lid.

10. What is the neural crest? What contribution does it make to the development of 
      the eye?

11. Define protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia

12. Write short notes on aqueous drainage

October, 2000

1. Write short notes on the optical factors that effect the change in visual sensitivity 
     with increasing eccentricity.

2. Write short notes on the sympathetic supply to the eye

3. Draw a diagram to illustrate the anatomy and relations of the superior orbital fissure

4. Write short notes on regulation of cell cycle

5. Compare and contrast visual fields measured in photopic and scotopic conditions

6. Write short notes on inherited causes of coagulopathy.

7. What are CD4+ cells? When would you estimate their level in peripheral blood?

8. Write short notes on how inflammatory cells influence angiogenesis

9. Discuss the reasons why antibiotic resistant bacteria have become such a great 
    problems in human infection

10. Draw a pedigress of the following inherited conditions:

a. autosomal recessive
b. autosomal dominant
c. X-linked

11. Write short notes on active transport by the lens epithelium

12. Write short notes on differences in growth requirements between bacteria and 

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January 2001
1. Draw a diagram illustrating, as lateral view, the anatomy of the orbit and contents 
    after removal of the lateral wall.

2. Describe factors that influence the rate and extent of ocular absorption of topically 
    applied drugs.

3. Draw diagrams of the developing human eye during mid-second trimester

4. Write short notes on oncogenic virus.

5. Write short notes on apoptosis. how does this differ necrosis?

6. Write short notes on the classification of visual acuity

7. Write short notes on optical factors that determine the light exposure of the retina

8. Write short notes on how CD8+ T cells kill

9. Write short notes on the synthesis of collagen fibrils using the vitreous as a model 

10. Describe the cellular mechanisms involved in wound healing

11. What is the interphotoreceptor matrix and how is it involved in retinal adhesion?

12. Write short notes on methods for detection of specific mRNA in ocular tissues.

April, 2001

1. Write short notes on the structure of the visual cortex

2. With diagrams, illustrate the anatomy and relations of the pituitary gland

3. Write short notes on how the optics of the normal eye set a fundamental limit to visual 

4. Write short notes on the normal visual field. Indicate two ways it can be measured

5. Write short notes on how cytokines and chemokines regulate inflammatory responses.

6. Describe how basement membranes become abnormal in patients with diabetes

7. Write short notes on the regulation of intraocular pressure by prostaglandins.

8. Describe the underlying abnormalities in sickle cell anaemia. What are the major clinical 
    consequences of this disorder?

9. What are gene mutations? Illustrate your answer with two examples.

10. Write short notes on endocytosis. illustrate your answer with an example from the eye.

11. Describe the techniques that histolpathologists use to classify lymphoma.

12. Write short notes on immunosuppressive action of corticosteroids.

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