Common Medical Viva Questions The medical viva will be conducted by at least
one physician. As such the questions are likely to be medical conditions
with ocular manifestations. The two main systems which provide such
links are: the cardiovascular systems and the nervous system.
Vascular system
diabetic mellitus including definition, high risk neovascularization,
clinically significant macular oedema and DCCT
hypertension including definition and ocular features
central and branch retinal vein occlusion (look up Branch Vein Occlusion
central retinal artery occlusion and causes of emboli
giant cell arteritis
carotid artery disease and indications for endarterectomy
visual fields and visual pathway pathology
cerebrovascular accidents including the CT and MRI appearance
pituitary gland and its tumours in relation to optic chiasm
third, fourth and sixth nerve palsies
myasthenia gravies
multiple sclerosis including the appearance of MRI