Before the examination
You may give one hundred and one causes to bore the examiner or you can classify the causes into congenital or acquired. Acquired can be neoplastic, inflammatory, infectious etc.
You may jump into the differential diagnosis which most examiner dislike or mention that you like to begin with history (avoid using the words "I like to take a good history" as some examiners may be irritated by this statement and may reply would you take a bad history?), physical examination, investigation as the history or physical findings suggest)
You may confine your answer to the eyeball (restrictive) or you can also include neuro-ophthalmic manifestation with CVA such as visual field loss
Q. What are the ocular manifestations of multiple sclerosis?
You may confine your answer to optic neuritis and ocular motility problems(restrictive) or you can also include anterior uveitis, par planitis and visual field loss
During the examination