Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

An understanding of physical optics is important for passing ophthalmology examination. However, 
this does not apply to the artists whose poor understanding of the laws of reflection never stop them
from producing great works. Could you name the following artists ?
This Belgian surrealist's works reveled that of Salvador Dali. This non-reversing mirror (La Reproduction Interdite, 1937) is typical of his work.

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This Flemish painter was famous for his works of voluptuous female nudes. In this painting (The Toilet of Venus), the colour of the earring is different in the mirror.

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This painting (The Bar at the Folies-Beergere, 1881) is the last major work of this great French artist. The tired bar girl (her name was Suzon) leans heavily on the edge of the bar and the mirror behind her reflects the crowd at the Folies-Bergere theater. The reflections of the bottles and the girl's body are against the laws of reflection of a plane mirror.

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This English painter is well-known for his works surrounding medieval and literary themes . This painting (The Baleful Head) shows the head of Medusa being reflected in the water. The reflections seen in the water require the subjects moving down the edge of the water tank.

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This is the best known work of this Spanish painter. The painting, The Rokeby Venus, shows the face of the reclining nude Venus being reflected in the mirror held up by Cherub. As the mirror is further away than her face the image seen in the mirror is at least twice the size it should be.

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