Multiple Choice Questions
1. Uses of prisms
2. Uses of synoptophore
3. Causes of myopia/hypermetropia/premature presbyopia
4. Assessment of patient with epiphora / lagophthalmos/visual
field defect
5. Pseudo-isochromatic tests for colour vision
6. Principles of MRI/CT/US
7. Instruments - indirect/direct/keratometer
8. Causes of unilateral superior VF defect
9. Spherical aberration
10. Duochrome test
The questions were very clinically oriented -
more than 50 % clinical and much less optics than expected.
0SE - questions were more on principles
and description of investigation rather than diagnosis
1. Goldmann Applanation tonometer head - draw diagram to explain
principle of its
2. CT orbits - thyroid eye disease
3. EOG - how it is measured, arden index
4. A and B scan U/S - description of US. Looked like retinoblastoma
to me
5. Humphrey's VF - sup bitemporal quadrantanopia
6. Visual acuity tests in different stages of childhood
7. FFA - principles , report picture - looked like CSR
8. Hess chart - 6th nerve palsy
1. Pupil - RAPD, questions on pharmacological tests
2. Ant segment - asked to demonstrate different illumination techniques,
and what is the red line on the tonometer head for?
3. Direct - bilateral optic atrophy - causes, magnification in phakic
and aphakic eyes
4. Indirect - bilat chorioretinal scarring, magnification in 20 D vs
28 D, asked to
demonstrate indentation (without touching patients
5. Goldmann field - how to set it up, calibration, shown different
eg of Goldmann
fields including one of malingering blindness! VF
examination of patient with
bitemporal sup quadrantanopia
6. Eye movements - Left 4th Nerve palsy with AHP.
7. Keratometry with Javal-Schoitz - principles
8. Focimetry - asked to mark lenses and how to measure prismatic effect,
of focimeter
Presbyopic theatre nurse with 6/6 unaided distance vision.