![]() . . . . 1500 BC Polyuria, wasting, infection are mentioned in several ancient cultures. .. 150 Aretaeus of Cappodocia gave the disease the name diabetes. . 1869 Paul Langerhans discovered islet cells in the pancreas. . 1899 Oscar Minkowski discovered pancrease is important in regulation of blood glucose. . 1921 Banting and Best isolated a pancreatic extract that lowers blood glucose in pancreatectomized dogs. . 1944 Janbon discovered the hypoglycaemic effect of oral sulphonylurea. . 1950-1980 DNA technology allows development of genetically engineered "human" insulin. . 1980-1989 Blood glucose self- management gives patients greater control and flexibility in managing diabetes. . 21st Century Research continues for cures to both type I and type II diabetes including the possibilities of islet cell transplant. |
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