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Section 9 Vitrectomy
in Diabetic Eye Disease
(for a larger retina view click on the picture) |
9.1 INDICATIONS FOR VITRECTOMY Vitrectomy is a specialized procedure which is the domain of appropriately trained vitreo-retinal surgeons. Vitrectomy is used to achieve specific goals, which may limit or halt the progress ofadvanced diabetic eye disease. These are:
also intra-ocular fibrin, or cells) and/or fibrovascular proliferation (severe extensive proliferative retinopathy; anterior hyaloidal fibrovascular proliferation) . the endolaser, introduced into the vitreous cavity or with the indirect laser ophthalmoscope), or direct ciliary body laser photocoagulation . traction detachment by removal or dissection of epiretinal membranes, in cases of non-rhegmatogenous retinal detachment . placement of internal tamponade (in cases of combined traction/ rhegmatogenous detachments) . macular oedema with posterior hyaloid face thickening. . 9.2 VITREOUS / SUBHYALOID HAEMORRHAGE Simple vitreous haemorrhage is a relative indication for vitreous surgery, DRS studies have shown that several factors should considered: the patient's age, the rapidity of progress and degree of severity of diabetic eye disease, the patient's appreciation of risks and benefits of surgery, and the patients ability to co-operate with surgery, and in particular with post-operative positioning, and supplemental laser photocoagulation where indicated. Various types of simple vitreous haemorrhage occurs as discussed below: . 9.2.1 Severe non-clearing vitreous haemorrhage Vitreous haemorrhage often clears within a matter of days to weeks, and it is usually possible to achieve delivery of initial or supplemental panretinal laser photocoagulation without vitrectomy (see section on lasers). If laser photocoagulation is not possible, or vitreous haemorrhage persists for more than one month then vitrectomy should be considered since maculopathy and/or proliferative disease may progress unchecked, thus compromising the final visual result. . Patients with NIDDM are less likely to have severe progressive proliferative retinopathy and while they also gain benefit from early surgery, as opposed to deferred surgery (surgery deferred for more than 6 months) the benefit is less. These patients should nonetheless have surgery within 3 to 6 months from onset of persistent non-clearing vitreous haemorrhage. . Regular (2-4) weekly ultrasonic examinations are required to ensure early detection of retinal detachment, and clinical biomicroscopy to detect iris or iridocorneal angle neovascularization, or haemolytic/ghost cell glaucoma. Patients with any of these complications should be considered for early vitrectomy47-49. a Surgical goals and procedure For this indication the surgical goal is to remove the vitreous opacity through a 3-port pars plana vitrectomy procedure. The posterior hyaloid face should be removed (this is a structural support for fibrovascular proliferation and its removal usually prevents subsequent reproliferation), and initial or supplemental panretinal laser photocoagulation should be performed to prevent reproliferation, anterior hyaloidal fibrovascular proliferation, and entry site complications (fibrovascular ingrowth). . 9.2.2 Non-clearing post-vitrectomy haemorrhage Recurrence of vitreous haemorrhage is common in the early post- vitrectomy period (2-4 weeks) but usually clears spontaneously within a short time. In all cases where the retina cannot be adequately visualized, it is essential to confirm the absence of underlying retinal detachment with ultrasonography. If cavity haemorrhage does not clear within 2-3 weeks, revision surgery should be considered. . Surgical goals and procedures The surgical goal is to remove the haemorrhage, and treat the cause. Revision normally requires a 3-port pars plana vitrectomy to allow an adequate internal search for the source of bleeding. In particular, examination of the previous entry sites is necessary to detect and treat anterior hyaloidal and/or entry site fibrovascular proliferation. . 9.2.3 Dense pre-macular haemorrhage Subhyaloid haemorrhages may be seen with or without associated intra-gel haemorrhage (Figure 27) these are localized to the immediate vicinity of neovascular complexes. Most such haemorrhages respond to supplemental panretinal laser photocoagulation. Dense subhyaloid haemorrhage occurs in the pre-macular area, in areas of localized posterior vitreous detachment, or in an existing premacular bursa. Progressive fibrovascular proliferation develops in non-resolving pre-macular haemorrhage d involves the cortical vitreous gel with subsequent macular traction detachment or ectopia. . Indications for vitrectomy in this type of haemorrhage include severe visual loss (for example in only eyes), failure of regression or resumption of haemorrhage after supplemental laser photocoagulation the presence of significant subhyaloid pre-macular haemorrhage in eyes with good pre-existing panretinal laser photocogualtion47-49.
Surgical goals and procedures A 3-port pars plana vitrectomy is performed taking care to remove the posterior hyaloid face, particularly from the posterior pole and the temporal arcades. Haemorrhage is removed, residual membrane dissected and supplemental panretinal endolaser photocoagulation is placed if needed. Long standing cases are more likely to require significant membrane dissection with its attendant risk of iatrogenic retinal break formation. . Some surgeons have suggested that first-line treatment for dense pre- macular haemorrhages is YAG laser therapy to the pre-hyaloid vitreous cortex, avoiding the macular area, thus releasing the trapped blood. This procedure is safe and may allow early visualization of diabetic maculopathy50-51. This is a promising procedure but is not yet standard practice and requires further evaluation. . 9.3 HAEMOLYTIC GHOST-CELL GLAUCOMA Elevated intraocular pressures may be caused by vitreous haemorrhage specifically in those eyes with a disrupted anterior hyaloid face after previous vitrectomy surgery, or in aphakic eyes with vitreous haemorrhage. "Erythroclasts" pas from the vitreous cavity into the anterior chamber and obstruct the trabecular meshwork. It is important to differentiate this condition from steroid induced intra-ocular pressure elevation, since many of these patients may also be suing topical steroid drops. If the intraocular pressure remains elevated despite medical therapy after one to 3 weeks, surgery should be performed. . Surgical goals and procedures Revision pars plana vitrectomy with removal of all vitreous cavity and anterior chamber haemorrhage is the preferred surgical procedure. Glaucoma filtering surgery is usually not required. . 9.4 RETINAL DETACHMENT 9.4.1 Tractional macular ectopia and detachment Traction retinal ectopia or detachment involving the macula is the leading indication for vitrectomy surgery in PDR at the present time. Tension is exerted on the posterior hyaloid face or cortical vitreous remnants, and indirectly on the retina by contraction of fibrovascular proliferative tissue resulting in retinal striae, macular ectopia, macular distortion and traction retinal detachment (Figure 28). Since the hazards of surgery are high in this condition, vitrectomy is generally limited to those eyes with a) involvement of the macula; b) evidence of a progressive extra-macular traction retinal detachment; c) combined traction/rhegmatogenous retinal detachment which threatens to involve the macula (see below). Surgery in cases with macular involvement for more than 6 months is usually associated with little or no functional improvement and is not recommended49,52,53.
. Surgical goals and procedures In addition to removal of media opacity, specific goals include release of tractional components by removal of fibrovascular membranes, closure of persistently bleeding vessels and treatment of any iatrogenic retinal breaks. Cases with pure tractional elevation will experience spontaneous post-operative retinal reattachment and macular remodelling as a result of successful surgery. Anatomic success has been reported in between 64% to 80% of patients (with a 6 month follow-up) with visual function improvement in 26% to 65%49,52. . 9.4.2 Combined traction - rhegmatogenous retinal detachment While most extra-macular traction retinal detachments will remain stable for many years even if these tissue complexes are highly elevated, in some patients the force of the fibrovascular traction is sufficient to create a retinal tear. These tears may also occur in relation to previous laser photocoagulation scars. These tears are frequently not identified pre-operatively. . Clinically, a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment caused by fibrovascular proliferation presents with a convex configuration rather than the concave contour of a tractional, non-rhegmatogenous detached retina. In addition, white (hydration) lines in the inner retina are more characteristic of a rhegmatogenous component. Surgery is indicated if there is sudden visual loss, evidence of progressive peripheral combined traction/rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, or evidence of progressive iris rubeosis. . 9.5 SEVERE WIDESPREAD FIBROVASCULAR PROLIFERATION Some patients (typically young adult type I diabetics with a history of diabetes since childhood) are seen with a pattern of active fibrovascular proliferation that progresses despite extensive panretinal laser photocoagulation. These eyes have a high risk of severe visual loss and blindness. The Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study Group compared standard laser and vitrectomy indications (with vitrectomy for vitreous haemorrhage, or traction macular detachment) in a randomized fashion with early vitrectomy surgery, in total of 370 eyes. The number of patients experiencing preservation of good visual function (20/40 or better) was almost twice as high in the early vitrectomy group (44%) compared to the conventional management group (28%) after 4 years of follow-up. However, the proportion of eyes with severe visual loss or blindness was similar in both groups and this stage was reached earlier in the early vitrectomy group. Clinical characteristics which warrant referral for vitrectomy, even in the absence of extensive laser photocoagulation, include widespread fibrovascular proliferation (three disc diameters or more of fibrovascular tissue). . It is to be emphasized that these patients frequently have extensive proliferation as their sole indication and do not necessarily have vitreous haemorrhage or macular tractional displacement. While these patients should receive panretinal laser photocoagulation, the presence of high risk characteristics should indicate vitreo-retinal referral at an early stage. . Surgical goals and procedures A 3-port pars plana vitrectomy is performed, with great ce being taken to remove all detectable posterior hyaloid face which is typically adherent to the retina. . 9.6 IRIS / ANGLE NEOVASCULARIZATION WITH VITREOUS OPACITY Anterior segment neovascularization which is mild and non-progressive may be safely monitored. Progressive iris or angle neovascularization requires panretinal laser photocoagulation, and if vitreous haemorrhage prevents adequate and effective retinal laser photocoagulation, vitrectomy with endolaser photocoagulation is indicated. Patients with established neovascular glaucoma may undergo combined surgery, comprising pars plana vitrectomy with extensive endolaser photo- coagulation and in some cases with additional direct ciliary body photocoagulation. This surgery is combined with silicone oil exchange in some eyes or with glaucoma filtration surgery in others. . 9.7 ANTERIOR HYALOIDAL FIBROVASCULAR PROLIFERATION/ RETROLENTICULAR FIBROVASCULAR PROLIFERATION Fibrovascular proliferation on the anterior hyaloidal surface or its remnant is typically seen after vitrectomy in severe ischaEmic eyes of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. This fibrous tissue, which causes contraction of adjacent tissue and may cause peripheral traction retinal detachment, posterior iris displacement and lens displacement or recurrent vitreous haemorrhage, is highly vascular and difficulty to treat. in some patients this process may be localized to the area of the entry site and is associated with typical sentinel vessels on the adjacent episclera and sclera55. Anterior hyaloidal fibrovascular proliferation may also occur after cataract extraction in patients with active proliferative disease56. . Surgical goals and procedure The surgical goal is to remove all fibrovascular tissue. This requires basal vitrectomy, lensectomy, membrane dissection and extensive, confluent laser photocoagulation to the peripheral retina and pars plana, often combined with scleral buckling surgery and silicone oil exchange. |
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