1. Renowned for his paintings of ballerinas,
this impressionist had severe myopia. In
his later works, he preferred pastels to oil
as it provided an easier medium for his
deteriorating eyesight. He finally took up
sculptures as he trusted his sense of touch
more than his vision.
2. A diabetic as well as myopic, this painter
regarded glasses as vulgar and refused to
wear them. Despite his talents, he often
wondered if his noble way of painting might
have resulted from his eye problems.
3. Famous for his waterlily paintings,
impressionist resorted to labelling his tubes
of paint when his vision deteriorated due to
cataract. After a cataract operation, he was
shocked by the blueness of his world and
appalled by the strange colour of his recent
works which he proceeded to retouch. |
4. Well-known for selft-mutilation and
the high
price paid for his works (only after his death),
he developed yellow vision and often saw
halos around light. The visual problems might
have been caused by digitalis poisioning which
was used for epilepsy.
5. A great landscape painter who derived
some of his finest inspiration from Venice.
He developed cataract and his later work
was described by Mark Twain as "like a
ginger cat having a fit in bowl of tomatoes".