Ocular pathology is an integral part of the final MRCOphth / MRCS. However, most candidates probably have never seen a single histopathology slide until a few months before the examination. It is recommended that you should start examining the slides four to six months before the examination to get use to using the microscope and analysing the slides. Most teaching centre have a collection of ophthalmology slides for examination and the pathologists are usually helpful and imaginative (for example who else would have incorporated the following figure into their work? Click on the figure for details.)

The examination usually takes the form of viva in which the candidates are given specimen (but sometimes pictures) for examination and discussion. The specimens may be a slide for microscopic examination (Figure 1) or gross structural pathology(Figure 2) for naked eye examination.

Figure 1. Basal cell carcinoma

Figure 2. Choroidal melanoma.

Although a wide range of specimens may appear in the examination, a survey of candidates who sat the examination in the past five years shows some clear favorite topics. In this section, only the commonly encountered specimens are shown and discussed. If you like to contribute, please e-mail to this address chuaoxford@hotmail.com

Choroidal melanoma....


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